What's Up With Purple Haze?!

Well, summer is almost over my friends, and it’s about that time of the year again when the famous purple hazers are beginning to warm up their vocal cords and prepare their riffs for the upcoming ACAFEST happening this fall! Wednesday, September 18th, 2019 is the official date of this year’s ACAFEST, and Purple Haze could NOT be more ECSTATIC! There is nothing better than singing in an auditorium to hundreds of a cappella groupies along with NU’s thirteen other lovely a cappella groups. Last year we had a blast, and we intend to have an even BIGGER BLAST this year. So get ready for us to BLAST your guys’ socks off!

ALSO, we are super-duper friggin’ excited to start audition season! Although we were sad to say goodbye to our beloved 2019 seniors, Chloe, Jeremy, Bria, and Anna, we are excited to see our purple haze family grow even bigger when we adopt a few more babies this fall! I hope y’all are as pumped as I am!


Emily Somé Publicity Director